With Teachermerit.com, all your online school challenges are solved. We help your business cut costs without sacrificing any quality and we make sure that your online learning and teaching experience is engaging, efficient and effective.
A very complete, easy-to-use , safe and fully adaptable LMS solution crafted for all types of organizations and learners. Receive world-class technical support and affordable premium online education solutions based on Innovation & Experience.
An LMS that focuses on ease of use offering thoughtful ergonomics favoring a minimum of clicks to carry out an action. Create engaging online courses supplemented with a series of tools to promote learning
Calendar, list of events, Outlook import, session planning.
Creation and management of surveys and reminders on unfilled surveys.
Activity reports, progress, complete statistics, etc.
Scorm, AICC, IMS / QTI...
Forum, Wiki, Glossary, Quiz, exercises ...
digital skills badges, research, skills wheel, etc.
Many types of questions, creation of question bank, quiz, Hotpotatoes, QTI2 import, Aiken and Excel import.
Easy to create by dragging and dropping content.
Personal profile, messaging, chat, social wall, relationships, display
of skills ...
Allocation of opinions, descriptions, course sharing, course sales ...
Creation and allocation of custom certificates, etc.
Secure and fully-featured video conferencing.
360 ° videos, virtual reality VR MP4.
Course sales module via Paypal, Stripe and others.
Positioning test, work signature tool, etc.)
Teachermerit.com is an industry leader in providing online learning solutions globally. For more than 10 years, we've helped leading government agencies, corporations, universities, and nonprofits achieve their online training and learning goals by developing educational software solutions, creating online courses, deploying and hosting learning management systems and creating online training materials.
Organize And Automate Your Training. Use Tools For Managing User Info, Scheduling, Alerts, Messages, Delivering Content, And More.
Analyze Users' Performance And Learning. Manage And Track Whether Employees Have Completed All Requirements And Generate Reports For Auditing.
Incorporate Third-Party Content Without Any Duplication Or Recoding And Arm Your Organization With A Variety Of Security Filters And Administrative Tools.
Use the skill wheel to find which learner can claim a particular skill. Easily create and assign digital skills badges to reward learning. You will have a simple and practical module for editing and managing skills.
Take a look at how we solve online school challenges to meet project requirements that deliver a greater level of functionality compared to traditional learning management systems